NEW GAME SWEEPS CITY A new game is sweeping Sioux Falls playgrounds, and it will be making its appearance at local colleges next fall, too. The game is “goal-hi,” a modified game of basketball that requires no wooden floor or- backboard. Just a few old gas pipes, some junk iron and a vacant bit of ground and you are ready to stage a game. The recrea- tion center on East Tenth street has * already installed a court and three city playgrounds are getting ready to set up two courts each. The city water department is turning. out the baskets from odds and ends. Because it promises to aid in the eke of° basketball talent, locaj coaches are enthused with the game. Augustana college is already planning four courts for the campus and intramural games are to, be staged next fall. The game here is to be played with basketball rules whenever pos- sible. The court is 50-feet in di- ameter and the center jump will be used to start play at the free throw line. The baskets are the same height as those used for bas- ketball and each basket counts two points. After each basket the ball is taken out of bounds by the team scored on. The game is played in quarters. Because there is no backboard the game is expected to develop accur- ate shooting and fast passing to earn Close shots.