been eter eet ene RL RE I re ee ET RE ST TM iS TR LE AEE eR ae SEE et Tp i RR pee TS TE TE MGA A ar ean Ree mT = , _ yet DIM TAAGIM: daw -_ fe toqqinzg ois Yd oF O991g8 yao1sh “o1a Lure + MO efeitos ‘sity gutbyloius foriss2 of Isefdne t at fst et tiie 2 ins ag A Oe linc iqide G | a a | ake TERMS AND CONDITIONS =f wll winol 32 1A 2 soe -ta): urrie f any ities described sha’ agreed that nothing contained in said paragraphs shall be compinaciian a : seal Tab as at common law for slae damien the crore, We atits ern to sell the y under such circumstances and imeuch ae Tr : (6) No carrier or party in possession of,all.or any of nen vee ee by la liable for any loss thereof or damage 29 or del. the authority of law, or the act or default of the s Bienen, — cn "The proceeds of any tic st EER thtion shali be applied by the carrier to the pay- x - ; demurrage, storage, C for per or ero or eae caused meqir he ee tisement, Ses aa rand mai intaining ‘the property, if proper e allowed by aril lawfully on file (such free time to be com- care of the sa’ Sand ere be a balance it shall be € paid to BEAR cic : lee astherein Sonuta al cohen arrival of the propert ination er atthe portof eft ——— en neni export (if intended for export) Stes uly sent of given, and after plecementofthe property for sf to aon sta shart, or landing at sachieks therei is no regularly delivery at destination, or ten ver ¢ property to the party entitled to receive it, has appoi ation owner after unioaded from cars or vessels or until -peen made. made. Exceptin case of ni ief or party in possession (and the burden to prove loaded into ie or tagent s, and, except in case of carrier’s negligence, when received from or delivered fom from ere negligence sha on the carrier or party + e-carrieror party in tosuch stations, wharves, or landings shatt beatowner’strisk-untilthe cars are attached to and after ae rd cn connie -apon the request of the shipper; Owner, or party, entitled to make such request, or!) No carrier hereunder will carry or be liable in documents, specie, or for ants weeny cfeetorvieein the for puntry damagetocot ,Or rstrikes. a cata 2 ary te oe not g seeciicnly rated in the published classificatio orvitie 5G : (c) In case of quararitine the-property may: be discharged. ates By into eur stipulated-value ofthe Snabeocd her uarantine a orelsewhere, as required by: a tine rN tisns or Sorter or forthe carrier’s ee $ judgment, and in any such case carrier’ s responsibility shali cease when property is so di rged, or property may be returned by carrier atowner’s ee i ig point, earning frei ia both eas Quarai xtine T nature or kind upon session shall not be liable for loss, damage, or délay occurring while the property isstopped and Sar from locomotive or train or until loaded int loaded from vessels. Sec. 2. 8. ae party, w vied oe ore eracio: natal or agent, shipping Ashes or np siete pee with out previous full written disclosure to the carrier of their nature, shall be liable for and indemnify the carrier against allloss or damage caused by such goods, and such goods may be warehoused at gol tisk and expense’ vedwi owner’sTisk Sec. 7. The awne ‘oo. sOF UY respect to property. the owners of the property ‘or be a lien thereon. The. r consignee shall pay the freight. ak average, if any, and all. hee lawful carrier shall not be liable for ee or damage ioned by foureation or disinfection Grater acts charges accruing on’ roperty; but, except in those instances where it may lawfully a eaghinn : required or done by quarantine regulations or authofities even though the same may h: n done to do so, no Co RRO ie shail deliver or ee eae ession at fee icteny at by carrier's officers, agents, ¢ or employees, nor for detention, loss, or damage of any ki casidhed” covered by this: titatitariff ene ~bya quarantine or the enforcement thereof. No carrier shall be liable; except in case of ne tori fable for th Rue and allother lawful charzes. res ees t ulates, by ) istake orinacetracy in any peat co rer — the carrier, its agents, or officers, ‘ds to 1a ureyint the ay -* idee for that purpose eabiak cot riduiictidor dee 2 thatthe orkoral ; “quarantine laws or regulations. The — the:carriers harmless from any expense they . not make deli woking paymen"’ oe Semen — carrier, Suemorntcnnee to aes es sf nay incur;or th 'y may be red to pay,b DY reasor ofthe introduction of th property cov= — i n, shall hate = dat as-hereinafter~ eee i: 4 red ne contractintoany place against the quaran regulations in effectatsuch pla ided) shallnot beliabie er buchchar ges. ant Peovldad cak that, cane ing tructed “) See. 2. (a) Ni er is bound to transport said p: fa by ay par partic ain or vessel, by theshi or consignor to deliversaid property to aconsigne mapeppsience. in time for any Pp ar market or otherwise than eo = me dispatch. Every carrier shall | onsignee shall not be legally on as same tetion eb eae t = ch et of se espgreation NS oe + ar the ae. tin case of physical necessity to forward said soae baits Gy ane can an Satis or foutebetween operty (oeyon é ee . _ the pointof shipment and the point of destination. In all ed by law, where a lower bay be found to be due alee the property has “a4 ieficial title in said property, ant a Sea oad consi pace (a) . y and has no bey Property Bie tah petal vale abs been eer a wi hpper or bs pe ee a in : otifie p delivering carrier i in writing of the fact of such a sence aes aa titl ee he is ne ate aH tee one soya determines By th d veal be the maximum amount to s¢of «shipment i , whether or not such fore or damage occurs fromnég peaysi9. ike has also notified the delivering carrier in writing dress of the + bene- 3 cn esient ons caine mene Wngitteresvng oe Salome ff perry an.maich coe pt near cpap i i a . ichcon= ; " (or. in dase ass ieen to Cart ee ee delay occurred iv aftes dchtccts gt poet Se delivery of the ate aida he bs dkten, “sig isheelf Be ees ihe rat additional charges. Nothingibe Reet ws the mit the rigtt of the © after a reasonable time for oon ; and suite shall be i rriet ire at time of shipment the prepayment or guarantee of th depres t thin nine mon in nine months 4 institu ainst any carrier only within two years and one da ¢ dav when notice in. d that the articles shipped are not a described in of iad ding, the carrier to the claimant that the carrier has disa He sea wd any part or parts ri ceee € paid upon the article t th fied in the notice. “Where claims are not filed or “te are no thereon in eee : this bill of lading i is issued on the ord ier of the shipper, oF ading, the shipper’s signature to ee j tlection of common law or bill of la aie ity, in or in ¢ hall be conside ith eee ing provisi “aye a carrier aeeniene — be lisblas atk clapeevet hate ie aati baer a oh fl, ay carrier or party e oa account of loss of or damage to an: hail havi ee See oar? ef iphcit of aby eeiaace that may have been (chected ea Ros ofsaid propert aid with suich prior bill of lading, s property, Price® nies) far as this shall not avoid the policies or contracts of in » That thi ik carrier rela pritten of made in or in connection with this bill of rad by water Yor : Sec. 9. Ii all t of said pro} carr f rse the claimant for the premium pzid thereon. isa 0 eee i ws ba oie ae te bie bens a ecient 4 he ig@ vision: ee accbigee ex- 9 x Behe ech eon iey as the result yall property —— emaptions from liab Sie contained in, the Act of the Congress 6 es iaewiee hall be subject to necessary cooperage and baling at owner’s. carrier ovef F whose route | t tion of) id of oth cotton or cotton linters is to be transported hereunder shail ha sacetly se eters Ae aes reletine £0 be navies apices “i ‘a ergaute : ilege, owncostand sted Gtate a - tart es y, and co th _ risk, ofc compressing the same for eee convenience in handling or forwarding, a Inotbeheld dition United bd in thicbili of Pesca ; water Sig? aca 5 leeion. ost aes Sennett toe deviation oe necks ole: Seles ree an. Grains in bulle cone) “(by No stich cartier by water shall be liable for ariy loss or dat —T oo to a point where thereis a railroad, public orlicens ‘pmedlited an essot of wiseexpressly —_—_ pening to or of board the a or from explosion, bursting OF rh ‘orb r of shaits, unless e ein, and then ifitis not promptly unloaded) be igmothergrain - eaused by the @esien oF heplectof such catrier. 1nW es 10 ¢ kind and nis Jilissnd sialic $0 socio Oe teen prompt ate dition os i.) ib the ce “halt hae exercised boa in ee NR respects IGHOT), aNG-s ered shall be toanen toa ~ seawortliy and. properly manned, equipped, anc nos s Wish} i igah2 2 - ‘ da resulting fror from the perils of the lakes, Seas, or then wat atent defectgin hull, | notremoved ie sis arty sy eaciceslll it within time solide ; ery, OF appurtenances whether existing prior to, yt a “pera fom col- " = | } us? Dg; och free time to be computed as t Bet for r notice of the Li tranding, or other accidents of navigation, or fro ike ee eaherie all has been duly ly reason it is Hecessary, any TrONEHT CITING any OF IT OE eros “hee pry a dee to transfer, arty) pein to deviate nef id discharge goods at any time, to sbi of the property for has beenmade,may be __ rty tocallat any portor p warehouse er place of pit he Seine subject tothe tariff charge hip, or Eghter, ¢ toload an and to carrier's car as warehouseman, at the option ee the carrier, _ for the purpos¢ of saving life or property, and for docki tin case aecetsary ort caus se : or other “such carrier shall not be responsible for any loss or damige of ) property if e itbe useal ace, at the cost of thew owner, a ae + he held w creat mthe partofthe carrier, 1 the eameuson deck. 9 2 ae oo st to a lien for all Mecia and otheFla forstorage. (a); General Average shall bc payable according to th: Eger of Eaections pete nonperishabie! rty which has hey Ba lestination ‘hereunder is _ ny 15, inclusive, and Sections 17 to 22, inclusive, anes as to na red! sheen or tt y t €€6 thelaws and usages of the P srtof New York. se eee hed exercised diligence to ee eceive it within i days notice any bala iv i make the vessel in all respects seaworthy and properly x cea it ig hereby . r lithe same at public auction bei ‘agreed that in case of danger, damage or disaster resulting from in navatic n, or in ovided, That the carrier sha first mailed, sent, i ‘the management of the vessel, or from any latent or other ih sel, her machinery = y hasbeen anced, as and thatit willbe subjectto appurtenances, or from wnseaworthiness, whether existing at the time ene or at the bagi —ooe the terms of f bill of lading if di n be not arranged for, and shall have published tent or other defects or’ ui oft ‘was not dicqrerabl J taining a description of the properteaaie pene of the party to whom: consigned, or, if y thejexercisejof due diligence), the shippers, consignee gang /org ers ‘Of the’ carceme never- ped order notify, the hame of the party to be notified, and the time and vee of sale, once a ie pect of the cargo, eo sh tribute i the voyage (provided the la heless pay salvage and any special caress incurred in ibute wo successive weeks, in a news with the shi erin general average to” y sacrifices, losses or expenses Of a general e such newspaper is published: Provide ee ys shall have ata bhi ‘average nature/that may be made or incurred for the common benefit or to:relieve the adventure otice of sale after . notice that the pi ty was refus or remains unclai: i j any co’ n peril, : iN — ) rty is being cated under a tariff which provides that any carrier or a which has been’ seared ation is refused aoe ee Shalt be Habte-fortose trout perils of the sea, ther as to such carrier or carriers aie a by consignee or pare en titled to receive it, or said consignee.or pat" i sions of this section shall’be mouthed in actordance with the ai provisic: » Whi to receive it promptly, the carrier may, in its discretion, to prevent: J “hither Sete © 'garded'as incorporated into the conditions of tis billoflading. : ¥ ithe same to the best advantage at Aa or public sale: (f) The term “water ¢artiagé” in this! séetion shall not be rued as in cluding Righerase Sesto to the cpatianss © or owner of seers ey fea the 3 - dnoracross rivers; harbors,'rlakés! when performed by or on behal et vam aert quest for disposition eg RR iven,. as ~~ See. 16. Any alteration , addition, or erasure in this bill-of lading which shall be made without i fil Ei 2¢ the notation hereon of ' theagent ¢ of thecarrierissuing this bilkof| hel i adie, shall be withoutetfect, a and this billof tading'shall be be 2g g taiite or — was t9qqicd @ OD a A TAAG CaM ¢ Gs an * . 137% a calaesiac eishneiudetauiliaoceiiia 1 bee samoted :teqqide to exoxbhe ssiite-ieo seins idbiinninidebaaiaiaintiiptiiliniinptalpiticsitainnioniremelgeors A sold-sand @ enenenmeniimranmmnmerensiaion a al a a Tecate, kd a i ike: cele i a I ee