| | \ | ; 1002 EB, 7th Winfield, Kansas August 25, 1943 Dre Fe Ce Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, } Dear sire I am writing in regard to my twin sons who i, from Winfield High School last May. They are just seventeen : therefore not likely to be called for service during term since they will not be eighteen until May 28th 1944, ‘They are out- standing basketball players. Rebert broke the recall in individual scoring in Ark Valley League and Clarence did good werk in defense. These boys have plauned until recently to go to an Eastern school but, I prefer te have them closer home, School. own Wye Ig you are interested in them you can get any information concerning them from Principal HowkeWinfield High if interested just what can you do for them? If is necessary that they make a big part of their i am enclosing a clipping from the Wichita Beacon which appeared early in the seqson, crete MSI a a iid tale a ete ay a's Respectfully, Mrs. James G, Brannum