Mr. Harry Jenioke, Winfield, Kansas. Dear Harry: ees I am sending you in confidence a copy of a letter written me by Bob and Clarence Branmaa's mother. I am also sending you a eopy of my reply to her. I am sending, also, sperma samen . Jarvis | S would eppreciate you two loyal alumni getting your heads Sccitiai ak divine se the teelts ut your Steeticn an these bon. I em sure that I ean use them very nicely and will be glad to help | ee SCL VGE o ‘ I do know that a lot of schools have been after them and have made some attractive offers, so I am wondering how this letter came to me from the mother. If she is interested, as she says she is, in having these boys at the University there is no good reason why they should not be here. We oan offer then plenty of work ~- moh nore than hes ever been offered before on account of the small civilian enrollment. With kindest rai, I am Very cordially yours, " Direstor of Physical Baueation, - | Varaity Basketball Conch.