i ce +o = — at pint oe Pe a ct — CC: Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Decenber 2, 3940 Miss Cora Sutherland, Teacher Mayo School : Custer, South Dakota — Tear Madam: | “GOAL.HI* — America's new play-game is well on its way! oe show nation wide ance and satisfaction. “Just what we n¢ged in ou play activity program"; "A . sien game ~ the first new gar Por mass f since velleytall"5 "] like the fact that Goal-Hi can/bé played indoors and>ex wanotnete Wit The samn piaue equipment” are a few of the matty enthusiastic comments to come our pe at agi ?atl-opportunity to peruse th cently? sve KOU will /ag nirably aha for all *xoun , thru-out the year. You risk nothing when you order-the s ed to play Goal-Hi, came ae gua or your money will be >romptly refun Consider Goal-li in your school program as a gym activity + as an out- door play~game - and as a low cost investment in the » fur and general welfare of your students, Hundreds of others every _ of ee Cate See Ge ane | For your convenience we suggest that you place your order with your local dealer. If, for any reason, be cannot furnish the merchandise you require - write us! Yours very truly, Merchandising Division F Medart/S