December 12, 1940 Mre Roy Eo Weinzettel Sales Promotion Manager Fred Medart Manufacturing Company. Ste Louis, Missouri Dear Mr. Weinzettels HAT yoo Mindly wath us neue eaten copies of the large Jeroen’ regarding Goalelli, which is about letter size and entitled “Goaleii, America*s Now, Year ‘Round, Indoor and 0,tdoor Pley=-Game"? This is a red and black job of about six pages, It is a swell layouts Harold "Spike* Claassen, the Sports Editor of the Associated Press in Kansas City, writes me as follows: "Dear Phogs ifegh oo have another of those booklets on "Goal-Hi?" I picked up @ couple about a year ago but apparently have lost theme Now I have @ request fron Richmond, Virginia for a feature on ites “While you are in a writing mood, why not add a parae graph to your letter and tell me what you think of the newstyled ee ee ee trie@ in a game.” Wb 1 Wakdice Din Oe cally Vembikinn bonkict Unt 1 late together with the official rules book of GoaleHi and then the bleck printed job which opens up inte a very large spreads Then there is another little booklet which you printed for Hoover Brose, Inte, Kansas — : I am writing you regarding Sam Jarry, I can give you a full exe plamation on that, suk 14 $0 moan toes Gab ss benpehary ta eettiic Glie bo leave so will do this after lunbhe With all good wishes, I am, ‘Sincerely yours, Direetor of Physical Education and Rann FCAslg Varsity Basketball Coach