copy THE UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND ATHLETICS LINCOLN June 6, 1940 Dre Forrest Ce Allen Department of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas My dear Dre Allen: Oux instructor in general practical Physical Education and playground work has requested me to order a “"Goal-Hi" standard as he wishes to include this in his programe I have ordered the seme for hime I em writing you regarding this to let you know that I think the price which the Medart Mompany charges for this moveable and adjustable standard is a “damned holdup" and I be» lieve you would be smart to try to get them to cut that price about in half as I believe the price will generally be consi dered en imposition and people will refuse to pay that amount. It is my frenk opinion that that stendard could be made for five dollars and, under present conditions, if I had inquiries coming to me fram the schools in the state regarding this my recommendation to them would be that they improvise a standard and save about twenty= five dollarse From what little I know of the game it seems to me that it should go over big as an addition to either an outdoor or indoor recreative program but I do believe this price for goal is going to pull down the sales tremendously. Of course you will take my criticism for what you think it is worth but I felt that I should let you kmow frenkly my reaction. With kindest regards end wishing you a pleasant summer, I am Very sincerely yours Re Ge Clapp, MeCe Chairman Physical Education for mene