OG. After rendins hie letter over 1 Delieve it would be a whee sucge > suggestion for me to write something about the one bounce - _ @pibble and use the segnented court for girls’ rules. If yeu ‘would like me to do this then you could print a sheet as an ansert with a bit of eur sticker end add 4% to the rule book. re ‘think lire leElroy has omaha Sane: | su _ Regarding his first : ' | ae eae Oe oeiee ee ea ener a ie eae aa ek mes I believe thet it would weaken your patent right and Giso the salability of the goal to say that there ws very | een, em eer Very sinderely yours, — sivedtor of Myeioat Diugcticn end Recreation, a Sees Peat,