FRED MEDART MANUFACTURING Co. POTOMAC AND DE KALB STREETS te ee SAINT Louis, Mo. poe RE. WEINZETTEL SALES PROMOTION MANAGER July ee, 1940 Dr. Forrest C. Allen eae. University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Phog: We are in receipt of a letter from our Kansas representative, Thacher, Inc., ay Topeka, Kansas, a copy of which I hand you in strict cmfidence. We think ie you might be interested in that it concerns you personally and I believe you ae will keep this information in the confidence that is indicated. ae It so happens that we sent out to Denver, for a Coaching School at the Uni- 3 versity of Denver, a sample of the flat modified backboard and the new goal oe necessary to use with the cut-away board, and I am going to try to get that 2 a sample back to Topeka in time for the Kansas Coaching School. The Denver ae School opens around August 1 and we may not be able to make it, but I am go- ee ing to try to get this sample to Kansas. For your information, Phog, and I know you will be glad to put a plug in for CARS ine us over Schutt, the board that is now in Denver and which we hope to have in Whee Topeka is made of wood. Jt is a hand-made board that was used here for cer- ee tain factory problems. However, please note carefully that we are not goire | oe to offer a wood board of the new shape but have gone to a very substantial ey expense to have dies and machinery available to stamp out a one-piece steel board that will be superior to anything we have ever offered. As a basketball coach I believe you, as well as Porter and others with whom I have discussed our plans for the new board, will agree that a steel board is superior to a wood board in many ways, and if we can offer a steel board with the side flanges part of the banking surface (no raw seams at the junction of the flanges and the banking surface) at a price comparable to a first-class wood board, we will certainly be doing something for the good of the game. That is exactly what we are going to do, Phog, and I want to tip you off in advance so you will know that Medart is about to break loose with some really sensational news for the basketball world. I note that Mr. Porter will be present during the Kansas meeting and no doubt he will be interested in our sample as well as the new goal that we have de- veloped. Certainly hope I can get that sample from Denver back to Topeka in time for you to give us a little boost. Kindest regards. REW/AC ge les Promotion Manager 3 STEEL LOCKERS___ STEEL WARDROBES____STEEL SHELVING____GYMNASIUM AP ATUS____GYM SEATS____BASKETBALL BACKSTOPS____PLAYGROUND APPARATUS ; a : % : ; e i ;