THACHER, INC. 426 Quincy Street Topeka, Kansas . July 20, 1940 Fred Medart Mfg. Co, St. Louis, Mo. Gentlemen: Mr. E, A. Thomas se@retary for the High School Athletic Association, has taken a parbicular liking to the Schutt Manufacturing Company on this g | aL—p oposition, On two or three ge oR prevailed on Schutt®to which Thomas in turn is-\sé Up until the recent announcement of the new backstop, we/were kept seutnes much in the dark as to just what it was going to be and“as a consequence, were unable to talk very intelligently on this subject. Since the announce- ment, I have been to Mr. Thomas' office on several occasions; however, I have not as yet been able to tall to him personally. Practically of this infor- mation has been gathered on my visits to his office from the assistance, who, of course, tells me more than Mr. Thomas has any idea that he does, in his absence. I haven't as yet told this assistant my business and no doubt he will be a bit surprised when he finds that I sell basketball backstops. To culminate and bring to the point, this letter, I am wondering whether or not it would be advisable for us to have on display a sample backstop _ the inspection of the Coaches and the conversion of Mr. Thomas, . Let me have your ideas on this point. Very truly yours, THACHER, INC. 4 ah PAR