FRED MEDART MANUFACTURING Co. POTOMAC AND DE KALB STREETS SAINT Lours, Mo. Please forward this letter to the Director of Physical Education or to whomever is responsible for using the Goal-Hi equipment you recently pur- chased from us. Thank you. May 28,19)0 Greetings: Frankly, we need your help! As the owner of official Goal-Hi equipment, you undoubtedly have certain data concerning this new game that we are anxious to (1) obtain, (2) combine with the reports of other users, (3) analyze and (),) pass on back to our customers such findings as are likely to add to the value of Goal-Hi to them. Will you co-operate by filling in your answers to the questions on the enclosed quiz sheet? The return envelope requires no postage. You may be interested in learning that Goal-Hi, in the few months that it has been available, has been adopted by school systems, playground boards, etc., to a degree far in excess of our most optimistic expectations. Apparently there has been a long-stand- ing need in the recreation field for a new mass play-game, and Goal-Hi fills that need, As a token of our appreciation for your co-operation, we ask that you accept with our compliments the enclosed leather memo book. Thank you. Cordially yours, FRED MEDART MANUFACTURING CO, Sales Promotion Manager R.E Weinzettel AR STEEL LOCKERS___ STEEL WARDROBES____STEEL SHELVING___GYMNASIUM APPARATUS____GYM SEATS____BASKETBALL BACKSTOPS____PLAYGROUND APPARATUS