FRED MEDART MANUFACTURING Co. POTOMAC AND DE KALB STREETS SAINT Louis, Mo. RE) WENZETTEL SALES PROMOTION MANAGER January hy 190 Dr. Farrest C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Phog: No doubt the article in this week's Saturday Evening Post, entitled "Take Away The Backboards" has come to your attention. Undoubtedly this is the article that was reported to you by Tom Bowlus, which does not mention Goal-Hi, but when you take away the backboard you certainly are flirting with Goal-Hi. As written you by your good friend Bob Reid, this is certainly a controversial article, and it looks to us to be an excellent opportunity for someone to step into the breach and open up a good Whole-hearted discussion as to the merits of eliminating the backboard. Why cannot this be you? You will appreciate, I am sure, what would happen if the backboard was eliminated as suggested by the writer of the Post article. I imagine that about nine out of every ten shots would be out of bounds, and besides, how would that goal be suspended without some type of bracing to eliminate backlash and side sway. It leoks to me as though this Post article could be used to good advantage in a round-about way to give Goal-Hi a real boost. In other words, excep-=- tions could be made to the statements contained in that article as I have outlined above, and then, in a diplomatic way, swing around to Goal-Hi as the game without a backboard and one that calls for accurate shooting rather than depending on the board for a billiard shot into the basket as seems to be part of the camplaint contained in this article. In any event, Phog, I believe there is a good chance for some rebuttal to this controversial article and it appears to us that you are the logical man to make that play. What do you think of the idea? If you agree with us, let's get started and see what we can do toward getting some publicity supporting Goal-Hi, as a result of this Saturday Evening Fost write-up. Kindest regards. Cordially yours, FRED MEDART MANUFACTURING CO. ales Promotion Manager REW/AC STEEL LOCKERS___ STEEL WARDROBES____ STEEL SHELVING____GYMNASIUM APPARATUS___GYM SEATS____ BASKETBALL BACKSTOPS____PLAYGROUND APPARATUS