FRED MEDART MANUFACTURING Co. POTOMAC AND DE KALB STREETS SAINT LOvUtTSs. IO et January 31, 1940 Dr. Forrest ©. Allen University of Kansas lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: Both Roy and Bill are away at the present time; however, you may ent a personal reply to your letters of January 430 when they return. I have read your interesting correspondence with Lowe & Campbeel and as Roy has not cotacted this company at the present, I am sure he intends to very shortly. In regard to selling head pieces of Goal-Hi standards without the rest of the equipment, we feel that such action on our part would be very poor business. Appreciating the fact that Mr. Perry's equipment will undoubtedly be inferior to our own, we still think that this case and other occurr— ences of home-made standards throughout the country (of which there will probably be a few) will tend to dmphasize the superiority of the manufactured product rather than prove a hindrance. This case and also the case of Mr. M. J. Benjamin of the John R. Rogers High School certainly tends to prove that there is a demand among educators for a game such as your Goal-Hi, and I don't believe that they can make their home-made equipment of inferior quality a great deal cheaper than we sell the official equipment. Yours truly, FRED MEDART MANUFACTURING CO. Merchandising Divisio \ F .Medart: MS ey | P.S.-— Your book "Better Basketball" is on its way. I took the liberty ae to send it back even though Roy is not here. Sorry to keep it : so long. Many thanks. STEEL LOCKERS___ STEEL WARDROBES___STEEL SHELVING____GYMNASIUM APPARATUS____GYM SEATS____BASKETBALL BACKSTOPS____PLAYGROUND APPARATUS