ale - 2 the uso of the new adjustaile stand, ich I have tamed the “dcadeo", viiich pamiits mising the tncket to 8, 9 ant 10 foot heights, Gone oan be played ty elementary, high school or edllege teense Liles wise, %¢ fite into the yublic playground progran perfectly because instead Of being Lnited to « tenn of five players, Goalaiit can be played ty entire classes in a gyn or Wy groups of playgrow:l boys end girlee (Moet physioel educators firmly believe that taskethall 4s one of the - davelomment of the eduoable child. Yor emmple, mecles are strotohed and and the ciroulation of the Wood through the body is stimilated. Running, junping end leaping are sume of the fundenental activities of mn. These ere but a few of the mny benefits thet ome to players of inshetinlle Gonlell, develops these to en exceptions] degrese