Sete Te Gully one freo throw will be auarded for any persoml foul. The refereo must designite the offender ty plneing his hand on the offending G00. Se ‘tho soarer shall record the muber of goals unde, the freo throw made and missed, and keep a runing summary of the points gooreds ‘He shall vooond the porsenal and tecimical fouls of ench player end chal} notify the referee imnodintely when the third person) foul 10 celled on any players lle shall record the tine-cuts charged to each tem, shall notify © teen : through the referee whenever that teom teles a fourth charged timeout, end shell notify the official each time a teen is granted a charged tine~ out in excess of the legal limit. See Se ‘Tho scorer gimll Imep © record of the nanes end mmber end position the ebtextion of the official when the tall is dead. This eigm] should be unlike signals used ty the referes and tinckeopere Sede Ile Gonleili scoring characterse ‘Tho following characters should be used in Imeping scare: P