wimer and play slwll cease. If neither team scares two points in a period ly the end of this poriod it aim2l be declared the wimer. If neither tean has scored, a secu overtine period, or as many overtine periods as necessary to twenk the tie alll te played usier the swe coniitiom, If bethteme paragraph my be used by teas above high school age ty mel agremnente Sete Se ee ene ee oe ee ee Se ee strusted to do so ly the referes. Sete Se Tho score of a furfsited gene shall be 2-05. HULE 20 ‘Or oF RUS Sootion le If at any time the tal goss out of bounds, it shall be so declared by the referses He shall designite a nearby opponent of the player last toushed ty the bali before 2t want out of bonis to put it in plays This opponent shall stand out of bouxle near the point where the tall left the cout, and then shall throw, bouse or roll the tall to another player