December 14, 1952. i am very gind to have your inquiry of the iith instant referring to our article in the feeeanber isoue of The Athletic Journal on Goaleliie the equipment for this game is memfactumed Mirector of Physical Sducetion and Recreation, | Varsity Basketball Coache Dear Roys | I aa enclosing saie additional inquiries on Goal-iii, which came in today's mile I am sure you will give each one your proupt attentions Cordially yours, Direstor of Physical Education and Recreation, Varsity Basketball Coache Decenber 15, 1959. Dear Dudley: i wee very to have your letter of the 15th instant, and hasten to give you the information concerning Shar wun cane coated we book on the gune. Ten yp EE, Tam sure they i, itt fi = i fe a j ih Tt was indeed a pleasure te hove you here with us, oven for a short vieit, end I trust that you my be coming _ ‘this wy more often, With kindest personal regards, < om Vory sincerely yours, Varsity Basketiell Conthe SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGE San Jose, California December 13, 1959 MEN’S PHYSICAL EDUCATION Dre Forrest Ce Allen Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dre Allen: I should have written you a personal note of thanks long before this date, thanking you for the many courtesies during my recent, hurried visit in Lawrence. Please accept sincere thanks at this timee The purpose of this letter is to ask for a quotation on your Hol-Hi basketball standards. I should like to purchase one for my four youngsters as a Christmas present, and, in addition, would like to recommend the purchase of two or more for the use of our basketball teams I feel that if we can get a few of them in circulation in this vicinity, their use will spread very rapidly. I was greatly impressed with the demonstration put on by the youngsters, between halves, of your basketball game, and was quite interested in your article which appeared in this month's Athletic Journale Had a visit with John Bunn, at Rotary, yesterday, and told him all about my visit with the Allens. He asked me to send kindest regards. Trusting that I may have an early reply on the above, and with kindest personal wishes to Mrs. Allen, Bob, your lovely daughter and Burt and Ruth, I am Cordially yours, x vat & DUDLEY S. DeGROOT Director of Physical Education DSD/,,14 Necenber 15, 1939» lite Oscar Erickson, tirector of Physical Sduantion for Boys, ae Cheyenne, | peaphlets will enswer your questionss Should desire further informtion at any time 4% will be a to hear fran yous Very sincerely yours, Nirector of Physical Mdueation and Recreation, Varsity Basketball Coase December 16, 1959.5 Sayrett Township High a Cresco, Pennsylvanins Deas Coach Wiler _\ Tam very glad to heve your letter of the 14th instant ref 1g to our erticle in the December issue of The Athietic Jowna on the new game, Gonl~lii., Medart Manufketuring Company, of Ste Louis, lissouris ‘ate ie aoe ee I en and I am sure you will hear fron them in a very short times If I can be of further assistance to you it will be a pleasure to hear from yous Sincerely yours, Varsity Basketball Coaches I am enclosing two additional inquiries about Goal possibly not very many of them have done so but there a ee seemed to be a very favorable reaction to the new type ne board. I also explained it and commented concerning it at seven Regional meetings which we held in the northern part of Michigan with the result that probably three hundred additional men kmow about the new type board. Yours truly, wy C. E. Forsythe