FRED MEDART MANUFACTURING Co. POTOMAC AND DE KALB STREETS SAINT LouvIs, Mo. R. E. WEINZETTEL . November 275 1939 SALES PROMOTION MANAGER Dr. Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Phog: Just returned from Richmond, Virginia this morning to receive the good report from Bill Robinson and Fred Medart covering their en= joyable visit with you. Would liked to have been one of the party. Also note your several letters containing original requests for Goal-Hi information, and copies of your replies, and you may rest assured that we are giving these leads our best attention. I know you will be interested in knowing that we have been getting a bundle of return cards in every mail since we made the test mail~ ing in the several States, which Bill no doubt discussed with you. One of the most striking bits of information that I have unearthed as a result of attending the Missouri and the Virginia State Educa- tional Association Conventions (and it is to discover what is in the minds of school people as concerns our new game that I make these several conventions) is not in the number of people interested in Goal~Hi but the degree of interest they express. Apparently there is a need for a game of this kind in all types of schools, and I welcome that finding because it indicates that we will not have such a big job selling the idea of the game as would otherwise be true. Keep sending me those leads, Phog, and maybe between the two of us we can make a million dollars. In any event, kindest personal regards. Cordially yours, FRED eg aimee CO. a qo Manager \ REW/AC " STEEL LOCKERS___ STEEL WARDROBES____ STEEL SHELVING____GYMNASIUM APPARATUS____GYM SEATS____ BASKETBALL BACKSTOPS____PLAYGROUND APPARATUS