_ THE SOUTHERN COACH AND ATHLETE _ 751 PARK DRIVE, N. E. ATLANTA, GEORGIA Official Organ of Georgia Athletic Coaches Assn. and Georgia Football Officials Assn. Atlanta, Georgia October 12, 1939 Dr. Forrest €. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Forrest: I want to thank you for your letter and your consent to serve on the advisory board of our publication. fhe first issue will be off of the press Friday and I want you to look it over and suggest how it can be improved. I had arranged for Ed Danforth, Sports Editor of the Georgian, to edit it for me but the paper decided not to give him permission to do it. i am planning now to edit it myself this year, or until I find a capable man. If you will be kind enough to do so Ii will greatly appreciate it if you will write a basketball article for me. I would suggest preliminary training and drills, but any other topic you select will be all right. i would like to have this by October 20. Thank you very much. Spnpersny yours, Dwight IE — on a DK:mp A Magazine for Coaches, Players, Officials and Fans