The coach's preseason interest in the conditioning of his basketball players should manifest itself during vacation time, as early as late July or early Auguste Through porsonal comrespondence the conch should urge his pros pective players to evince deep concern about getting into shape. They should be directed to practice the following prescribed setting-up exercises for five minutes each day as strengtheners for the wrists, Singers, anides and Imees. Chen tae the poate of Un pheyer*s eintng Cnt wee Ue meet oceans He tm jurye : So inportent does the writer deen these simple exercises that during the entire season he gives five minutes daily of the regular practice session, in addition to the five minutes prescribed for use at home, to their excoutions ‘Failure on the part of the men to execute these drills for five minutes daily . in their roams is regarded by the coach as a direct violation of the training schedule and is treated as such. If consistently followed, these exercises will so strengthen the ligamentous attaciments of the fingers, wrists, ankles, and knees thet few injuries will occur in scerimmge.s Heel and Toe. Rise slowly on heels and toes alternately ten or twelve tines Full Squat.e Assume an upright position, with arms at sides. With the aus stwotshed out £01 to the fret, eee Slowly dom te & full saute With arms slowly stretched above the head, rise to a standing posturee With kmees kept straight and the fingertips touching the floor, execute a full body bende Repeat these movenents alternately and slowly three or four times.