Se are two simple exercise setups which the author uses many, many times a season ‘to correct glaring faults of fundamental tasketbell, on both individual offense end defenses Directions for their execution follow: Line up the etire squad, toe to toe, one-half facing the other half — at the regulation boxing distancese For the purposes of econamy and efficiency, mass mo’ movements, first the offense and then the defense, must be mde. In the beginning, — these movenents take on the nature of shadow boxing but later they develop into the real thinge Bach man should be instructed to use the boxer's crouch and t swing for his opponent's cheek with the open pliim — sctually slapping his opponent's jew if he does not weave tack and out of the way without any defense other than a weave of his head end shoulders. Also each mm should be instructed to be kemmly alert for the quick thrust of his puishing opponent. The lmees should be bent even more when on the defensive than when on the offensive. ‘This exgger- ated crouch is essential for a favorable escape fran punishment. The body weave required on the offensive must be practiced equally well on the defensives After the first blows, the squads should alternate their positions, the defensive going om the offensive and vice versa. After approximtely ten minutes of these initial fimdenental movenents, the pairs should be more widely separated . and released for about three minures or less of friendly cemimt without the alternate movements described heretofore. At this juncture the coach should keenly watch developments because two high-spirited boys attenpting to slap each other's faces might go too fare In the open-handed face slapping which follows, each mn is out for himself, and the "devil take the hindmost". After —