te About two weeks after the fall opening of school a coach should call @ meeting of all men who expect to come out for the basketball squad. Arrange- ments should be made at this meeting for the medical examinations of every man emeiine to try out for the team. A competent physician should give each of these prospective players appointments for thorough heart, kidney, and lung examinations before they ever suit up for the strenuous physical hardships of the © practice floor. Such relentless precautions may save many mistakes and later re- gretse Aso, at this first meeting with the candidates, a general plan for the year's work should be laid out for theme Then, beginning about the middle of October and lasting util after football season <= that is, after the Thanksgiving vacation «= three one-hour practices a week should be held. When the Thanksgiving recess is ended, the practice season should begin in earnest. Six two=hour prac« tice sessions a week should become the rules If coaches do not drive and drive — hard during the short season left, but little cam be eceomplished. It takes patient and laborious work to instill fimdanentalse However, en coach's best judgnent is forever being challenged in regard to the intensity of practice periods. If a team begins to show evidences of mental slumping, owing either to the tedious grind of learning fundamentals or to the overexertion of team play, a versatile and divining coach will switeh off for a while on games which will require less physical effort and will supply valuable © mental relaxation, such games as Crow and Crane, occasional basketball relays, and other competitive drills of this type. Afternoon practices are better for the players than are evening practices. Practices held in the afternoon immediately after school hours give the players opportumity to eat their regular meals after their exercise and to study in the