Please do not think ppear at attended the National sae ter Uikuk fer koe ae ‘but I have never accepted any coach- ing for a. for less than 2300 and expenses, even in times of de- s end I work harder, I believe, working with mee low, if I should teach a as hard, if not harder, than they works It your kind offer, but I find that I will develop a teame me to this points When I conduct a coaching i ; i i : I want you to lmow that I greatly appreciate the honor of _ » end nothing would give me more pleasure than to a Atlenta end work with Roy Mundorf. Last April I not be able te accept umder these conditions. per copye you are cognizant of at any summer school. Me the book, and like al publishers are the books at 40% per vol being asked - thusiastd’c enough:to