Published by the Gramer Chemical Co. Gardner, Kansas John J. Magee, track coach, Bowdoin College. A famous athlete in his early days. Each spring he has outstanding performers. Last summer he managed and coached an American team which in- vaded the Scandinavian countries. Golden Glove Hand Wraps—for Young Boxers _ Golden Glove hand wraps are made just like professional boxers’ wraps, with thumb loops and tie strings, but shortened to fit the hands of young boxers. They are equipped with a thumb loop—84 inches of wrap and_ tie strings, Order from your dealer and be pre- pared to prevent sprained hands—ask for Cramer’s Golden Glove Hand Wraps. Note:—Our professional fighters hand wraps are used most famous fighters. —o— Athletic Powdered Rosin Ordinary powdered rosin is a com- bination of by America’s ler’s earth instead of clay, Fuller’s earth absorbs the grease and dirt on the hands, leaving the rosin to do its work, You will find it more efficient. we Qh 4 Athletic Powdered Rosin Bags are a standard in Big League Baseball— you will find them just as efficient for general athletic use. An efficient method of handling rosin. Can be carried by a player and is excellent to prevent fumbling. It can be passed among a team in 20 sec- onds or may be used on the shoes to prevent slipping on a slick floor, If you will make a check-up you will find our rosin is preferred and used by colleges everywhere. ©. ; é -When using the heat lamp, always apply a light coating of Athletic An- algesic Balm before turning on the lamp, Ination of ground clay and rosin. In. Athletic Powdered Rosin we use ful-| Treating Deep Bruises Where the skin is broken. In a large percent of bumps, bruises and contusions of larger size, there is also an open wound. Many times this skin is broken allowing an ave- nue of infection. This, of course, complicates mat- ters because the open wound must be treated before the severe contusion is given consideration. When the open wound is of minor extent, we suggest you sterilize it with Nitrophen. Then take a pad of gauze, cover it with a liberal appli- cation of Healing Ointment, place over the wound and tape it on. For the larger bruised area _ sur- rounding the broken skin, cover with a heavy coating of Cramer’s Analgesic Balm (about 1-8 inch thick) working the Analgesic up close to, and around the bandage which covers the small- er open wound. Cover this application of Analges- ic and the small bandage with a thick layer of cotton and bandage to retain the heat generated. This ap- lication can be left on for several poe or over night, but should be removed then and the open wound re-dressed. This is really a bandage within a bandage. The lower one to prevent infection. The upper one to heal the bruised area. W. W. Kelley, trainer, University of Texas. He has been very successful in keeping Texas players in the game instead of the hospital. Here are some of his comments: “Cramer's first aids are tops with me. Each item is a perfected product and adapted to the use for which it was intended.” —o— Antiseptic Powder dusted under heavy equipment prevents irritation. Used under the arms and between the legs it will prevent galled skin. Used in the shoes it acts as an effective foot powder, ‘i THE FIRST AIDER Page Thirteen ALKALINE POWDER ae Relieves nausea and sto- mach sickness, A O07), Bottle32 5 2 $0.35 ie Pound’ Jar. 3425 1.25 LAXATIVE TABLETS Mild but effective laxa- tive suitable for athlet- es. 50 Tablets in Box__$0.35 COLD TABLETS Assists in prevention of common cold, 25 Tablets in Box__$0.35 DEXTROSE TABLETS Give quick en- ergy. Strictly pure predi- gested sugar. AEN } of. Dextrose Tablets 25 ney Dees GO Pe Ox et ee $0.45 DOU ist Bow ai ie hn es 1.90 TAPE REMOVER Quickly removes adhes- ive tape—Non-inflamm- able. 1 Pint Bottle__.___$0.65 1 Gallon Bottle____ 4.50 Fi ATHLETIC "TAPE REMOVER Do a mere ae ed A safe. stimulant in case of shock, 1.02. Bottle:za-4<2 $0.45 A stimulant. 2 Oz. Bottle: S12 $0.35 Pint: Bottle:= 2 ==. 2.00