Published by the Cramer Chemical Co. Gardner, Kansas : JO E. IRISH Successful graduate Manager of Ath- letics, Colorado College ing the delicate membranes. Athlet- ic Inhalant should also be used on dry chapped hands or chapped lips. ta Athletic Aspirin Tabiets contain 5 grains of pure Acetyl Salicylic Acid and are a uniformally accepted rem- edy. Re-orders each season by our uni- versity accounts prove their efficien- cy. ata Athletic Laxative Tablets assist in eliminating excessive waste material —one-half to one tablet as needed. These tablets are mild, yet effective. ——o-— Nervous Indigestion Many athletes are nervous before an athletic event. They become “sea sick”—nauseated and seem to have a chill. This condition is caused by nervous excitement, and the blood which normally surrounds the digest- ive organs following a meal, is driv- en into the muscles. This causes the food to ferment and creates an acid condition. This isn’t really an acid condition, but it is generally spoken of in that way. What really happens is this: The forward movement of food through the alimentary tract is stopped. Body heat causes fermentation and decom- position and the forming of gas. This condition must be eliminated immediately or counteracted and the quickest way to relief is to re-alkal- ize “the mass.” To do this we suggest you use “Ath- letic Alkaline Powder’—1 teaspoon in one-half glass of water. The alka- lines quickly destroy excessive fer- mentation—the warming effects of the peppermint draws the blood back to continue its normal functions and the athlete regains his digestive bal- ance, Weakened Defenses While ATHLETIC ALKALINE POWDER acts in the digestive tract, EFFERVESCING ALKALINE POW- DER alkalizes the blood stream. The result of flu or cold germs or the effect of overeating or indulgence produces an acidity of the _ blood- stream which lowers resistance to- ward infections. Especially the res- piratory system. Effervescing Powder produces car- bonic acid, which when absorbed in- to the blood, combines with the high- er acids there, producing soluble car- bonates, These are quickly eliminat- PERCY BEARD Track Coach Univ. of Florida, Former record holder high hurdles, a famous Olympic athlete. ed and the system then regains its normal balance. The proper way is to take a heap- ing teaspoonful of Effervescing Pow- der in a glass of cold water and drink it while foaming, as the gas created is an important part of the medica) treatment. —po—. Treating Shock Many times during games or prac- tice sessions, players are slightly daz- ed or shocked. One good whif of Athletic Smelling Salts will help him restore mental alertness. In case of shock—when the athlete is lying on the floor—pour a little Smelling Salt liquid into the hand and cup over the nose, or pour a lit- tle on a handkerchief and hold over the nose. CAUTION: Keep tightly corked when not in use. —~— Athletic Aromatic Ammonia used in the drinking water—% oz. in a gallon of water—stimulates the lungs thus hastening the elimination of THE FIRST AIDER Page Thirteen (carbon dioxide, thereby giving a max- imum of oxygen for absorption into the blood. NOTE—It has no detrimental fect on the heart. — 9 Treatment of Galled Skin Tender skin becomes galled by the friction caused by the shoulder pads, hip pads, supporters, knee pads and shoes, The easiest and quickest way to prevent blisters, open sores and™ infection is to dust the skin heavily with Athletic Antiseptic Powder. Al- so use in the shoes, as it prevents per- spiration. It is a necessity in every training room. =) Athletic Ball Cleaner A football or basketball is most act- ive when it is first kicked on the field or thrown onto the court. It collects a film of dirt and grease and the pores of the leather becomes clog- ged. This reduces the activity of the bali. Athletic Ball Cleaner is prepar- ed to clean the surface thoroughly and clean out the pores to keep the ball as near its original efficiency as possible. It differs from saddle soap —in that saddle soap is made to pre- serve the leather and actually leaves a coating of grease. Athletic Ball Cleaner does not make a ball last ef- W. B. GURRIER Gurrier is helping turn out winning teams at Louisiana State Univ. —$—$—_., longer but does increase Its activity as long as it is usable. S=Qass Liquid Ball Cleaner Liquid Ball Cleaner is a liquid soap solution containing some wax. This cleans the ball and gives it a slight polish, which prevents a quick absorp- tion of grease and dirt. = aes In cases of excessive perspiration on the feet, apply Tuf-Skin daily and dust Antiseptic Powder in the shoes each morning.