Ling’s birthplace at Sdédra Ljunga, in the county of Smdland, which will be moved to its original site and restored for the centenary celebration The Royal Gymnastic Central Institute, founded by Ling in 1813 The People’s Gymnastic High School at Lillsved belonging to the Swedish Gymnastic Federation, the new educational centre of voluntary gymnastics, inaugurated in 1937 At the Berlin Olympiad 1936 a demonstra- tion was given by 1,200 Swedish gymnasts (600 male and 600 female) before 100000 spectators who filled the Stadium. The ex- hibition evoked much interest and attention The camp of the Lingiad will be situated at Malma Hed, Malmk6ping, in beautiful en- virons. The distance from Stockholm is 100 kilometres in a southwesterly direction