i A 417 ARGYLE BUILDING | Kenses City, Slissovri we invite you to & STaG PICHIC Angus 10, 1957, 6:30 Deli, at Higro's Farw In Johnson County If you accept please ine to we of the following: Dr. C. B. Francisco Vi. 1642 Dr. Zugene Lacy Vi, 6227 Dr. Julius Frischer Vi. 0624 Dr. L. C. Leubo Ha. 0065 Dr. Be as Dabank Vi, 4956 Oe Dy Bick He, 2588 — \ Wigrots Feria - herriam 1233 (In case of emergency ) ROUTE: Drive to 75th St. & State Line then Vest on Voth St, ebout five wiles to sign: NOT; Farm on 75th St. between Highways 69 <: 60