25 March 1944 Dear Doc; Mary thanks for your note and the Jayhawk Rebounds. I had heard you were publishing the monthly letter, but it was the first copy that had come my way. I have scamed it for names and find it most interest- ing. I'll have to settle down ami go over it thoroughly. The morning paper here happened to carry a story on the Iowa State nd Utah victories last night in the tourmy at K.C. I'm pulling for Louie am the Cyes. I haven't seen anything about Dean Nesmith lately. If he's still around give him my regards. I wrote him a card once during football season but he was probably too busy to answer. I have a 6-month subscription to the Jourmil-World and so manage to keep abreast the local news. The STAR sends a weekly news summary and also a monthly office gossip sheet. Both are very interesting. Best regards. Yours, ae P.S.--- Hello, Mrs. Hulteen.