Tt #3, The International Grewth of Basketball. appual. This country has long cconomized in play space. Her gymnasiums have for cconturies been the gathering places for her Tu»nverein-her men of exceptional physical skill. These gymnasiums ore new Deing turned over to basketball and other indoor sports. Basketball 1s Olympic bound, Thc Gorman physique, big and powerful, and the German mind, pro--ressive and inventive, arc cspecially adapted to basketball. 3 The only thing that will prevent the rapsd growth of basketball in Germary will be her failure to build large arenas rapidly enough to ixecp pace with her enthusiasm for her new national play-progrem. Practically overy forcian country has fashioned its. Qasket- bell roles after. our. American gpemo. “Tae reason ror: this is seLt- evidont\ “They Look to us as the mother country in this sport and have. a Pight to expect guidance in’ formulating rulos and in’ shaping their idoals of sportmanship. If it has ‘not already beon donc, it would be a splendid sorvice for the doint Basketball Rules Comittce to render,. if conics of the Code of Sportmanship, translated into every language where the game has gone, could be sent to these forcign neighbors. Sush cfforts most certainly cdify sports.and keep us in touch with the athlotic leaders of other Lands. ; I know of no finer message to send to the workers in remote ands than that contained in the words of the code. Keep the rulos. Keep faith with your comrades. Keep your tomper. ReGen yourse.t ELL. Koop a stout heart’ an defeat. Keep your pride under in victory. Koen a sound soul, a clean mind; and a healthy body.