Publications The National Education Association is one of the largest publishers of educational literature in America. Its publications include: The Journal, a magazine of outstanding pro- fessional value which carries reports of the Asso- ciation’s conventions, policies, and activities as well as articles by national authorities which enable teachers to keep in touch with important economic, social, and educational movements. The Journal is sent to each member the first of each month during the school year. The Annual Volume of Addresses and Pro- ceedings, a book of 1,000 pages which includes the official records of the Association and a sum- mary of the addresses presented at both of the conventions. The volume is sent, without extra charge, to all who carry the $5 or Life Mem- bership. It may be purchased by others at $3. The Research Bulletin, published five times a year. Each number deals with some current edu- cational problem and presents a brief and read- able summary of data obtained from the most reliable sources. The Research Bulletin is sent, without extra charge, to all who carry the N. E. A. $5 or Life Membership and to members of the departments of School Administrators and Rural Education. Miscellaneous—Departmental yearbooks and bulletins are sent without extra charge to mem- bers of the departments and are available to others at cost. Reports of committees and com- missions, materials prepared for American Edu- cation Week, and special studies of the Research Division are also available upon request at cost. A complete list of publications will be sent free upon request. [10]