approval of the faculty representative for such participation. VIII. AMATEUR RULE. 1, No student shall participate in any intercollegiate contest who has ever used, or is using his knowledge of athletics or his athletic skill for gain, or who has taken part in any athletic contest in which a money prize was offered. 2. A man who has participated in a wrestling or box- ing contest in which professionals participated on _the same program shall be ineligible. IX. SUBSIDIZATION. 1. No student shall participate in any intercollegiate contest who has ever received: a. Any subsidy, either directly or indirectly, be- cause he is an athlete, b. Any advance payment for future services, c. Any guarantee of payment which is not con- ditioned upon the service’s being performed in advance of the payment, or d. Any payment for services at greater than reasonable and current rates. 2. No student shall participate in any intercollegiate _ contest who has ever received a loan, scholarship aid, remission of fees, or employment merely be- cause he is an athlete or through channels not open to non-athletes equally with athletes. X. RECRUITING. 1. By Alumni and Friends. The Conference is op- posed to the recruiting of prospective students by alumni and friends, when the reason for such re- cruiting is that the prospective students are athletes. The conference will make continued and positive ef- forts to eliminate such recruiting. 2. By Members of Athletic Staffs. Members of ath- letic staffs shall not recruit prospective athletes. The following are submitted as typical examples of recruiting: a. Urging enrollment through initiating corres- pondence, direct conference or indirect message. 12