3. When a faculty representative hears such a rumor from any source he shall report it to the faculty representative of the school involved, who shall conduct a thorough investigation, to ascertain the facts in the case, and take appropriate action. 4. Evidence of violation of the eligibility regulations shall be considered adequate grounds for disciplin- ary action by the Conference. The faculty represen- tatives may, by a two-thirds vote, instruct the ath- . letic directors to discontinue the scheduling of con- tests with a member -institution which has Cen guilty of such violation. XIII. SPECIAL CASES. The conference shall ee full power to act on all special cases not covered in these rules. MANAGEMENT OF ATHLETICS I. All correspondence and other business between member institutions relative to the actual management of ath- letics shall be conducted by the directors. II. COACHES. 1. All head coaches of intercollegiate teams shall be regular members of the teaching staff appointed by the governing board of their respective institutions for the full academic year. 2. Part time seasonal coaches may be employed as assistants provided: a. They are employed at a nominal salary, and b. They are appointed by and are responsible to the governing board of the institution. 3. No man during his employment as a member of the athletic staff shall be connected with professional athletics as player, coach, official, manager or publicity agent; nor shall he act in the capacity of player, coach, manager or publicity agent for any team outside of his own institution. III. GROUNDS. 1. All intercollegiate contests shall be conducted with- in the city of one of the two schools involved and on grounds either owned by or under the immediate 14