control of one or both of the colleges participating. All intercollegiate contests shall be conducted under college management. 2. Exceptions. K. C. A. C. Meet, State, Sectional and National A. A. U. Championships, Olympic games and trials, and National Collegiate A. A. Meets. IV. SCHEDULES. 1, Schedule Making. The making of schedules in all sports between members of this association shall be by the directors in executive session at times designated by them. It shall be understood that every school will come into its schedule meeting with no outside contests previously dated. 2. Number of Games, Not more than nine football games; eighteen basketball games and eighteen baseball games may be played in any season. 3. Contests between Members. a. In football every member shall compete with every other member each year and shall al- ternate contests at home and away. b. In basketball a double round robin shall be played, every member playing every other mem- ~ ber both at home and away. c. In baseball every member shall play a two game series with every other member, when practi- cable. Unless otherwise mutually agreed two games shall be played at one institution one year and two games at the other institution the next year. d. In indoor track, outdoor track, golf, tennis, wrestling, two mile and swimming an annual championship meet shall be held. Other con- tests between members in those sports may be scheduled at the discretion of the respective institutions. 4. Season Limits. a. No intercollegiate football games. shall be played after the Saturday following Thanks- giving Day. ° b. No intercollegiate basketball games shall be 15