Technical Terms Defined Arch. The curved iron rod set in the ground; the bridge. Attacking. Playing at an enemy’s ball for the purpose of putting it out of position. Booby. A ball that has failed in attempt to pass through the first arch. Concussion. The displacement of a ball by an- other placed against it by roquet, croquet, ricochet, roquet-croquet, and not struck directly by the mallet or ball that may be in play. 7 Croquet. To strike one’s own ball when in con- tact with a roqueted ball. (See “Tight Croquet” and “Loose Croquet.’’) Dead Ball. A rover which, having struck the starting-stake, is for that reason out of the game; any ball that cannot play. Dismiss. To dismiss a ball is to croquet it to a distance. Double Point. Running two arches with one stroke of the mallet. Flinch. When a ball with which a player is about to take the croquet slips from beneath his foot. Following Stroke. When a player strikes his own ball so that it follows the ball he is croqueting. Foot. The starting-stake. Front. The side of an arch from which a player must proceed in passing through it. Head. The turning-stake. Home. The starting-stake. Home Strike. The last strike of the play. 18