eH eal Equipment + Court as shewn in diagrame Cue the maximum length of cue and fingers shail not on six feet three inchese Fin- ger spread three and one-fourth inches. Eight wooden discs, four of which shall be one color and four of another color. These dises to measure one inch in Spkcurives by six inches in diameter, the weight to. be not more then twelve ounces each, | 430 Ol oe nzles both players play from the same end of and change erds after all discs are be $02 ch tt sort ae © ta Q yt oO ce ry ? ©) er 7 os 4h dothies the tyro nartmenrs play at opposite ends of the court, one team using one color discs and the other ancther colore SiS Soe The first play of a game must be started from the right side of the court, followed by the other, each alternating. Subsequent games to be started { vy the twian€écr. 4. Plavers place thcir discs in their respective half of 10 off area ard must play their four dises from this space. (Violations of this rule penalty 5 off.) 5. Players must not step on or over first line of court. (Violations of this rule 5 off.) 6. if a player scores a disc, onponent may drive it out or into the 10 - off space. 7. # dise obstructed by any solid object other than S! another disc is "dead" and must be removed from oe oe court before another play is made. o™ Se 5 News Scoring - All cises touching lines are not counted; all other discs within the diagram areas are counted. The l10-off svace means deducting ten from score. All points must be scored. Dises that stop in arca between farthest "dead line" and starting area are "dead" and must be removed from the court befcre another play is made. Note: A disc touching "dead line" is not consid- ered dead. All cther discs except those going out of bounds and obstructed dises must remain where they stop until play is made and score is counted. 4. Fifty voints shall consitute a game except when ctherwise agreed upon in tournaments. oe if both siccs have fifty or more points the side having the greatest number of points shall be WLINNCY » CA DO a