.. I, ARCHERY 1. Describe the necess&ry outdoor archery equipment, giving material and size of target, the number of concentric rings on the target and the method of scoring hits on each concentric ringe 2. What length of arrows are used for men, women and children? 3 What is the strength of the bows for men, women and children? 4. From what material are ground quivers made ? 5. Describe shape, etc. - 6. How many arrows are shot by each ini vidual to constitute a rowmd? 7. What distances are used in outdoor archery? . 8..Desorive scoring method when arrow passes thru or rebounds from scoring area, and in so doing barely touches adjoining circle. 9. What constitutes a shot for the archer? II. AERIAL DARTS: ‘le Describe the game of aerial darts, giving size of court, the number on each team and the equipment used for playe 2e Whabis the height of the net and what rules of another net game are followed in scoring and genéy~l play? III.. VOLLEY BALL le Describe the gome .of volley ball, using care in sneovttiine the size and weight of the mlly the size of the court for men and younger boys, the height of the net-which is advisable for eachg olso mention the length of tho note = 2. What is meant by rotation? 3 Describe fully the sorving requirement as for mon and women. 4, Amplify on the rules on returning the balls Be Describe the term "relaying the ball", score gaince _JV,-SHUFFLEBOARD 1. Where is shuffleboard bost played, on what surface? 2s What is the distance of the two tiiangles from apex to apex? 3 Describe the size and number of discs; also the colorse 4. How would you make a cue? Give dimensions, 5 What length is illogal length fot cue? 64 How many players are thore on a team? 74 State rules to be followed and fitom what ond of the cotirt do team situations differ? 8. What is the scoring objective and what alternation is followed in shooting? 9, After a game is won, docs the loser or the winner start the next game? 10. In doubles play, how are the cight discs played? ll. State arrangements of discs in the l0-off space and state point penalty for violation or failure to comply with disc requirement or for stepping over YPirst line of the courte 12. State rule regarding knocking discs from scoring area or into the 10«off Arehe 13. State rule regarding dise resting on division lince 14. What are dead discs? 15. How many points constituto a game? 16. How is game determined in case of a tic?