) BADMINTON ON Tvis seme resembics tennis, is »laved with a feathered cork called a shuttle-cock instead of a tennis ball. The racket, too, is of special size and weight, A wooden vaddle was originally used in India in place of a racket. In Beltimore recreation centers, ordinary tennis reckets are used, tne Game DOUBLES {played by two on a team}-@hoice of courts and service decided by a toss, as in tennis. Unlike tennis, the B:dminton doubles game is played in a series of innings. Ecch innings consists cf two services on one side of the net. A service means the time during which one player whe serves the shuttlecock continues to win her aces of points. When e player fails to win her ace she is out and her partner then becomes the server, with this exception, that the side beginning the game has but one service in its first innings. The server stands within the right half-court and serves by an under~ hand stroke (hitting the shuttle lower than the waist) into the opposite right half-court. The receiver must stand within her half- court until the service is dclivered. As soon as the service is completed the players may move about at will, paving no attention to the boundary lines. The receiver must return the shuttle before it touches the floor, but may reutrn it to any part of the court which is on the opposite side of the nct.< If the server fails to hit the shuttle completely across the net end within the proper court on her service, or if she or her partner fails to return it to the othcr court after it has bcen hit back into their own court by their opponets, they are out and th service goes to the server's partner if it is the first service of the innings or to the right ° half-court opponct if it is the second servicc of the innings. If, however, the scrver succecds in making it fall to the floor in the opponet's service court within thé ercoa bounded by the short half- court linc, the long service line, the ecnter and sidelines upon the service, or if the server or her partncr meke it fell to the floor any place within the whole court on © return strokc, they score one point or ace and the server changes to the left-hand court and serves to the opponet diagonally opposite, who is standing within the left-hand service court. The scrvcr continucs to serve from each court alternately until she fails to win her points. The first service in each innings must be from the right-hand courte The player served to may alone take the service, and no pleyer may take two consccutive services in the same gamce SINGLIES--The singles gams differs from the doubles gome somewhat as singles in tennis differs from doublcs. The court is narrower, as shown in the diagram, but the service court is 2 fect 6 inches longer. The playing also differs from doubles in oS thet the player serves from snd receives scrvice in the right half- “ie Crt only when the server's score in 0, or when sho hes seorcd m even number of aces in the gamee She serves from and reccives in the left half-court when the server hes served an oda number of ACCS» scoring--Only the serving sidc can make a point. For womcnts doubles a game consists of 15 points, end in singles 11 points. . In a doubles gamc, when 13 points have been made by both sides so that 13-all is declared, the ployers first reaching 13 may claim the right to "sect" the geme to 5. The score is then called lovewall, and the sidc which first scorcs 5 aces winse If 14-all