ghould occur, the gomc may be "set" for 3 vointse In singles, the gome mey be "sct" et Irall or 10--1l for 5 or 3 points rcspectivclye The best of threc gemcs constitutcs a rubbcr. Faults-~ ° Phe serviec is overhand, or if snuttle et instent of being struck be higher then the server's waiste 2, If the fect of the onc receiving scrvice or the one ser ving arc not within the limits of her helf-courte 3, If, cithcr in service or in pley, the shuttle falls outside the boundarics or passes through or under the net, or fails to pass the nct or touches the cciling or gidc walls or the person or dress of any playcre 4, If the shuttlc "in ploy" be struck before it crosses the striker's sidc of the uct, or if a player touch the net or its supports with rackct, person, or drcSSe 5, If the shuttic be hit twice in succession by seme player, or be hit by o ployer and her pertucr, sucecssively, or if the shuttlc be not distinctly hit. : 6. If ployer obstructs her opponcte ”. If in scrving, thc shuttle folls into the wrong half-court (ie Ce into the onc not diagonally opposite to the server), or falls short of thc short-serving linc, or beyond the long-scrvice line, or sutside the side boundary lines of the helf-court into which the scrvice is in ord@re Ponalty far Foult--A foult medc by cither pleyer of the side which is "in" puts the server out; if made by a player whose side is out, it counts an sce to the "in" sidée Ete ° f the ghuttic touches the net in an otherwise good SsEerviecs 2. If a nleyer serve out of turn or from the wrong halt eourt and win the point, provided it be elsimed before the next suceceding scrviee is declivercd. %, If service is reecived from the wrong eourt enc relly is won by reeciving sidc, if done before next service is delivered. {Note )=eA ict" allows ea repley of the stroke. In actched gemcs the Umpire shall enll "fault" or "et", without being appenlecd to by the pleycre ' Barack Hou vDAgy| Lave See yice te RieHT | - EFT Ware | wAe® COURT Couwer FRyee _" g righ ppt F- SHORT SEFivICE ee OE Lert RighT HAu= HALF GovrRT couRT 2 & Dd BN) ™~ 96" yw mi Bk PR ob VE < al 4 £1418 52 er ¢ C—15 FT. Oi --— —20 Ft - - >