Yate Maes 3 2HCK PTasnis = 1. ‘This game is played by throwing a rubber ring across the net ( 5 fect from ground), The court is tho samc for singlos and doubles, &» tho ring is put in play by 4 serve from bohind the soryicoe line starting at the right as in tonnis. . 5. The ring is tossed by cither an undorhand or a horizontal move~ ment of the arm or wrist, never thrown with a downward movement, It must be caught (before it touches the ground and without touching the clothing of the body) with one hand only and must be returned immediately with a risc of at least 6 inches from the place where it was caught and with the seme hand. The player may not run with, bat, or make false delivery motions (feint) with the ring. ‘the ring may not be crumplod in sending it. Only one sorve is permittod, provided it is not a new sorve, Net serve is taken: over, 4. Scoring is same as in tennis, Playcor must win 2 out of 3 sots, S¢ Points ero scored for the opponents if tho playor: a) misses or docs not catch the ring before it touches the | floor, body or clothing when served or tossed in "play" b) eatches the ring with both hands c) serves the ring into the not d) sorves or tosses the ring outside of the court lino or against the cciling ec) bats the ring f) juggles the ring ; , g) fails to return tho ring immodiatoly h) throws the ring with a downward motion i) reaches over the net in catching or tossing j) erumples the ring in throwing it k) feints with hand holding the ring to misload the opponont as to direction of dolivery 1) allows ring to touch her body or clothing m) server commits a foot fault n) served ring fails to go in propor court (diagonnally opposite) Suggestions on Plavinge tho Gamo, Practice tossing tho ring easy during the first few games until accuracy and speed arc dovcloned, ase By giving an upward, forward and backhand flipping motion to the hand when close to the net, the ring will travel clong the net, rise and drop over whero it is not expected, Learn to use either hand, | 4¢temupt to make a quick return before the opponent recovers balance or position, If the ring is going out, do not touch it, for touching it but not catching it would score against the player who touched it last, In Doubles Games: : 1, In caso both players of a pair ‘are absont, sct is forfcitod to opponent. } £e ach of the 3 teams of an organization plays one sect thus making a total of 3 sets for the match.