February 12, 1945. ~~ Mr. Jos Curmiskey, ). Sports ‘Miitor, mM 6 164 Duane Street, e Dear Joe; Thank you for the check which arrived in your letter dated February Gth. I am happy to get the tear sheet, wlthough had previously received several here | S 5 = 3 4 about Regarding my testifying before the Kings County Grand Jury, I could not possibly leave here before March 2nd. We play our last game, which is with Iowa State College, at Ames, on that date. I am enclosing a schedule of our gemes. If they should desire my teatinony before that they would hare take it Prom depositions here in Lawrence. : WHI you let me have sqne infermtion on when the Kings County Grand Jury adjourned? | I am glad to have your telephone number and will keep you ad- vised if any emergency arises. With, kindest regards, I am Director of Physical Education, PCAsAH | ; Varsity Basketball Coach.