Lexington, Kentucky February 21, 1945 Dear "Prof.", You should be ashame of yourself. You have made every hand book in town close up and every one has had his phones discontinued for the present time, They have been notified, by the police, not to open up until further notice, Those poor fellows may now have to go to WORK, It was pathetic to see Byars and Berry of 119 E. Main and Bill Keith of 129 E, Main, standing down on Main Street, about half way between their places of "business", yesterday afternoon. They looked like they had lost their last friend. I bet that was the first time in years, they saw the sun at that time in the afternoon, unless it Was on Sunday. You did something that the police have never been able to do, or maybe they didn't want to. This fellow Hornsby's article will verify the accuracy of the telephone number I gave you.