Pebruary 23, 1946. Mr. Ja Be Norris, Vice President and Associate Editor, . Ashland Daily Independent, Ashland, Kentucky. My dear Mr. Norris : It was generous indeed of you to write in such a complimentary mamer. I received your marked copy of your Ashland Daily Independ- ent, and I assure you I appreciate the things that you had to say. My daughter and her family lived at Louisville for several years, but they are now in Palo Alto, California. I have always had: a rare fondness for Kentucky -- their wonderful blue grass farms and their splendid blooded horses. In fact, the state of Kentucky has always been very dear to my heart. The fact that both of my grand~ ae ee ee ee re heritage and the residence of my forbears. ‘Nothing weaail delight me more than to have a good visiw with yous With best wishes, I an Sincerely yours, | _ Direotor of Physical Education, | ‘POA: AH Varsity Basketball Coach.