» wine, And this high ae through his deputy commissioners, would enforce the lew in every conference and school that subscribes to this plan. The deputy commissioners would not necessarily be men of paige nang Pavan heed Mei gi Abang ia ig but at the present time they have now to enforce their findings. Therefore, the high commissioner would write the laws, organize, supervise and deputize, so that all the deputy commissioners would do would be Pay. eee, findings according to the laws that were written. This oould be done, and if y you onli, conead i se se and give this enough publicity I believe we could get the man. Td Gen tw Tne yc, Bir yous Klstivane 1a ifaring ho. eepnbek. ha for ‘the job, but I believe that I could do very much more by upholding the hands of the man in the right influence than I could by following the course that you suggest. It is ernaious of you, and I thank ee nenae for writing. % . Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach.