meee, ee perpen mera eo . - oe Cie PRL re LTT GUERNSEY RRAR INTER FE CENT IT TET 3 November 24, 1944. Mr. Robert Fuoss, Managing Editor, The Saturday Evening Post, Philadelphia 5, Pa. Dear Mr. Fuoss: I think you have written a swell editorial, and I thank you for sending it to me in confidence. You certainly have given me more credit, perhaps, than I deserve, but I have been sincerely honest in endeavoring — to clean up athletics so that the coaches, as well-as the boys, can hold their heads up and say that they are participating in something that is on the up and up, rather than on the toboggan and on the slimy side of things. If the general public knew the whole story they would have more ‘sympathy for the people who are fearless enough to speak out — the thing that is subterranean. Certainly you are to be congratulated on doing the thing that you . are doing. Such powerful and clean influences are the only hope in + ane ing the ulcer to the curative sun rays of public opinion. I trust that you will pardon what might be construed as questionable modesty in telling you some of the activities that I have indulged in, with which you are perhaps unacquainted. I was the founder of the National Association of Basketball Coaches, serving as president for the first two years, 1928 and 1929. The Rules Committee had eliminated the dribble in April of 1928. I protested because the coaches had not been consulted. That day I received 160 telegrams from coaches supporting my stand, and at _ the Drake Relays in the latter part of April I called a meeting of the basketball coaches of the United States in conjuction with the Drake Relays, The first nucleus of the Coaches Association was formed there, but a meeting was called to be held in June in Chicago at the time of the National Collegiate A. A. track meet. At that time organization of the Coaches Association was perfected, and I was elected the president. The following year I was re-elected and we went forward in a constructive way. At no time since has a recommendation of the National Association of Basketball Coaches been refused by the Rules body.