2 KNOCK OUT THE GAMBLING MOB” REALISM IN COLLEGE ATHLETICS Nv It is now high time for our college presidents of America to drop their . c ; academic mantle and face realism in cdllege athletics. At the present time it ie Uda Cae fWrn ed, is definitely kmown that on several uses eS SEMPUSSS = The gamblers are a eae 2. member of the football squad to give them confidential information on the esprit de corps and the physical condition of the players on the Fore team; 2e -The gamblers are hiring, clare uate sports editors or writers ¢ on college papers to give them additional valuable inside information; Se The gamblers have now a central clearing house working through professional apents or. dope collectors. They issue weekly form sheets which are noe with race forms. They set prices on wholesale satoenauuen on sports events throughout, the nation. 4, With the race tracks of America noty closed Signe will be thousands - of gamblers hoses Por @ new racket, and our college sports will be the next Ka ¥ coo over. To offset this gambling menacé to our college sports, it is thinkable that a courageous, farsighted band of college and university presidents could ¢ ’ assemble and give unlimited power to a High Commissioner of college sport. ~