November 24, 1944. Mr. James A. MoFarland, 110 - 35 = 72 Road, Porést Hills, A Long Island, N.Y. Dear li. MoParland ; It was very generous of you to write as you did in your letter which I received today. I assure you that Mr. Irish has not heard the last of this, and some time along about Christmas one of the large influential publications will come out with an editorial . that may shake Mr. Irish loose from some of his smugness. I, too, will be happy to hear what your son says to you in con~ fidence, and I will treat it as such. But it is well enough to get the dope on these boys who deny everything and admit nothing. With deep appreciation and with an asgurance that the thing is not settled from this end of the line, I am Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, FCA: AH | Varsity Basketball Coach.