THE ASSOCIATED PRESS General Office 50 Reckefeller Plaza New Yerk 20, Ne Ye Dece 31, 1944 Dear eae: I wish I had saved that letter from Major Griffith about which yeu wrete so I could quete it mere fullye One ostut Zi apparently didn't bring eut before when I was picking out a few quetable phrases from a letter that really sine bpletind fer publication, was that he was speaking more from a (Big Ten! Viewpoint than frem a breader ene when he speke of cenducting athletics on a aenupaid basis. The peint he breught eut there was that the western conference is pretty ‘clean’ as veinnied te, say, the seutheastern and it can aveid being associated with the se-called 'Pre' colleges any time it ace 4 merely by refusing te play with them. I agree with him that mest of the preblems can be handled on that A general basis without reserting te a czar if the celleges want te handle them. That is, the rules er ‘laws! already exist in the separate schoels and conferences and could sa war ioacd by existing machinery if the celleges really want te de it. Appointment of an eneresite hak czar with the powers ef a Landis weuld net only tend te separate ‘is sees from the celleges more than ever but weuld require a huge enforcement agency te prevent cheating by these seheols er athletic danertnente that wanted te cheat. I alse deubt very much if such a cues we im ot the gembling evil, which I frankly think has Vink areteniensieed lately. I believe that the cleser the authorities are + On de Se ues affected, the better chance they have of finding eut eush things and preventing theme I deubt if any colleges weuld give any ene man the unlimited pewer that baseball gave Judge Landis. Fer iastance, hew weuld yeu like te have Kansas barred