LFS I a ee ety from suharesVieciats athletics fer lire er perhaps permanently, because a ‘ezar' had what he censidered sufficient proef ef some action that he believed ‘detrimental te athletics.' Landis never actually put a club eut ef business, but he tessed out club owmers. : | Alse, Landis ability te track dewn many cases of rule violations depended upen the fact that players whe felt they weren't getting enough money er that they were getting the dirty end ef seme deal would cemplain te hime in presumably amateur college sport, I deubt if yeu ceuld find many people ready te ‘blew the shdiebios! The NCAA, as I understand ae body, isn't intended te be an entiveninn’ igéiey ae mugch as a bedy for fermulating pelicies en which ue separate celleces will act. The AAU is ‘ better ain ef a bedy ae has real pewer in amateur athletics, and - knew hew seldom £4 cote 'the cubis? en anyone. For instance, Soe abeek the stery shet Glows Cunningham paid an income tax on uri $30,000 ene year while ks still ‘. student? Getting back te basketball and betting-- and incidentally I think Ned Irish has teken an dateutatien beating frem the sperts writers on t hat subject-- I dentt knew ef a. single sage tiers 4+ could be vreved shat the ceolleze beys were playing aleng with the vagiieees. Having seen that NYU team you mention, I don't think it is geed eneugh te cut the peint margin that fine--certainly net geed ae fer the gamblers te risk much sr ite Apparently Femple knew what it was doing last sprinz whem that kid was quietly allewed te tres eut, but that's an example of lecal authorities handling a case te srevynernewett erection. It may os beside the getae, bur ene of eur men whe is en friendly terns with "the meb' tells me the gamblers ieeeiten ia want to put the Pix en cellege basketball and that their faverite betting game is base ball because they knew it is absolutely en the level. “His stery is that 4 =