- they feel they have a better chance by getting the best pessible informa- tien and judging the odds from that then te risk a deuble cress trying te put ever a sure thing. 7 He insists that these things which are suppesed te have happened came because the New Yerk crowd fixed up one game to ‘'take' the Philadelphia crewd and the Philadelphians retaliated. But te get back te Griffith's letter, he peinted eut cha’ there wasn’t any treuble abeut basketball until it meved inte the garden, Chicage Stadium and ether large arenas and that it ceuld move out again any time the celleges dusieeds I dentt kmow that I've preved anything here, but I may have shew that I'm agim ezars as leng as there's any pessible way to aveid them. — Cerdially, (signed) Hugh Fullerten Jr. Hugh Fullerton, Jre