aZua I, like you, have no desire to expose the names, but it doesn't seem as if Mr. Irish’s explanation is complete. And my statement has consistently been that I do not want to punish any of the boys but I am trying to call attention to certain irregularities that would be corrected very definitely if we had a czar of intercollegiate athleties, He would work with college and university authorities to see that the sinister head of the gambler was not raised in college athletic activities. Now, a little explanation in regard to this sports writer or writers on college papers. I am sure that you are well acquainted with i ee oe” ee ee ee in every college town. Drugstores, barber shops, pool halls, grills, are the plaves where the bets could be laid. The gambler contacts these boys who work for the college paper. The boys then naturally get in contact with their fraternity brothers or other associates who have the inside contact with the football or basketball team. Then the grapevine goes it 4 ‘Wan. peered wieiteee wal Wa Gadd eet Sarntehes Ske amar with the lowdown and these boys are paid according to the accuracy of their information and the success of their prediction. + This is another angle and there are more that have not been exe er ee oe ee ee I am conveying this to you exclusively to use as you see fit. JT mean, of course, the statement regarding the ramification on of the infiuenes of he prefession- al gambler. I do not want my letter to you printed lpn tae Spe gon gg So eins tiie staciesiiln Gad Gateddind then be as you see fit and give them to ee eee ee, Ins. ie dailies iment aan Gs vetgtetibe meemnnen ais tilinene the editors would not permit any of their employees to give this inform- ation, but they clandestinely work with the students, and the university authorities, the professors of journalism, and so forth, have no way of eracking down because they would have to prove some of their beliefs, while the editor of a tow paper is the boss of his establishment and car issue orders and the employees must of necessity follow them. But you can see how a student can act without any of the university authorities crack- ing dewn on hin. If there ie anything you do not understand about this angle be- fore you use it, please wire me or call me and I will elaborate upon it. There is one instance here in Lawrence, Kansas, where last year the genblers were taken for a heavy ride by the parlay players and the gamblers folded their teat and left town without paying any of their gambling dehts, and it ran way up into the thousands. I am amazed to see how gullible are the boys who ee Tt ot ee as Oe a ee ee the establish- ment and feel that they will get their monsy back. In this case the gamblers walked out and the boys who received the bets said, I am sorry. They were broke and couldn't pay their bets + oe % could the men do who bet on the games?